Chris Lloyd en da house!!!

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My Grades at VUU

Posted by Chris Llyod on Wednesday, November 2, 2011, In : My class 
Well my grades was better than I thought they was going to be, but I could if did better, I got a B in English 101, a B in History 146, a C in Math 115, a D in Sociology 200 and a F in Spanish. I need to bring my grades up, By my final grade I will have a 3.0. I put money on that because I am leaving this school. U feel me,.
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Posted by Chris Llyod on Wednesday, October 5, 2011, In : My class 
I am glad that I went to school, but I dont think Virginia Unon is the right school for me. I don;t like the way they do things. So I am going to keep my grades looking good and then transfer to A&T for the spring and just finish my school years there. I need to party and live the school life. At VUU they are all about school work, no fun if you ask me. But at A&T I know a couple of people so I will be better than up here and dont know no body.
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One of my Beginner Head Shots

Posted by Chris Llyod on Monday, March 8, 2010, In : My class 

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My first day in Acting class!!

Posted by Chris Llyod on Sunday, March 7, 2010, In : My class 
It was like you first day of school. U really don't know any one and you are quite in the class room. It was about 12 of us. All different ages. The oldest person was about 25. The class was mixed with Actors and Models (Male & Female). But our teacher is funny. His name is Chaz and he is 27, black and crazy. But I had fun my first day. Can't wait until next week. And after my second week. I get to work. YEA. lol

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